Crazy Excuses of the Week

Just a few crazy excuses from the past week:

  1. Can I be late? I need to go to the post office.
  2. I cannot make my appointment. The weather is so nice that I decided to stay on Fire Island
  3. Oh…I forgot I was getting married.
  4. I can’t leave town, my wife is having a birthday (mind you, this was AFTER getting a callback).
  5. I forgot I had to close on my apartment.
  6. I have to go to the dentist (top ten).
  7. My girlfriend is in Russia and I HAVE to go visit her.

Are you acting as a profession or is it a hobby? Either way, the agent needs to know.

This is how I ended my week:

I booked a little girl on a job shooting out of town. It was a non-union job. Her father brought her to audition, then to the callback, and accepted the booking. She was signed to a great kids agent.

Much to my frustration then anger (and her agent’s), her father, after accepting the booking, decided that he did not want to leave Hilton Head in order for her to do the job…REALLY?!

I cannot blame the little girl, but I can blame her father. This was a little girl’s dream and, because of a selfish parent, she will not get to see come true. The agent, producer, and I have not heard from her father again on this matter. He told us he would think about it and call us back. Still thinking?

Crazy Excuses of the Week

3 thoughts on “Crazy Excuses of the Week

  1. I love these stories! I feel sorry that you have to go through this, it’s unfortunate. However it’s encouraging to some of us. Not because some other actors character couldn’t keep up with his/her talent. But because some of us know that we WILL show up without fail whether we want to or not on a given day…whether we’ve forgotten about another engagement or not.. We WILL be there. Not just because we want our dreams to come true. But because others are depending on us. A whole mess of amazing individuals with equally important lives and dreams rallied together to get you that role. Be worthy of their sweat and time, they will never get it back. You do it for them. They did it with and for you.
    Happy hunting,
    Michael Patrick Lane


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